Privacy Policy

On our website, we attach great importance to the protection of the data of our visitors, and we respect the privacy of everyone who uses the site, and we are keen not to request personal information without a valid reason, and to not share personal information of users except within the scope of compliance with the law, and we refuse to sell it to any party, and in the following privacy policy you will learn about The types of data we collect about you and the principles that restrict its use:

User data collected
As is the norm on websites, and without prejudice to applicable privacy and data protection laws, two types of information are collected from users:

  • Non-Personal Data: This is data provided by web browsers that does not reveal the personal identity of the visitor, such as the browser type, operating system, and date of the visit.
  • Personal data: The visitor gives it to us himself, as required by leaving a comment (such as name and email address).

How the website uses this data
Non-personal data is used to understand visitors’ behavior patterns and browsing trends in order to develop the content of the site and improve the experience of use, and we are committed not to share user data with any party except in compliance with the law, and we will not sell or rent it to anyone.

Cookies are simple data that a website stores on a user’s device, and that the visitor’s browser makes available to the website each time they return; We use cookies to recognize your preferences and to personalize your browsing experience and make it more interactive.

Safety Measures
We take the security of your data very seriously and use all available technical measures to protect it from theft or misuse.

By using the Website, you agree to our Privacy Policy, and we encourage you to revisit this page from time to time to keep track of the latest developments, and if you have questions regarding our Privacy Policy; Please write to us at:
